Weld Neck Flange

$USD 20 $USD 15

Weld Neck Flange 1" to 24" Class 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500, 2500 ASME B16.5

SKU: ZZ101 Category:

What is Weld Neck Flange

Welding neck flange have a piece of long tapered hub used for welded to the pipes. Weld neck flange is high integrity and can be manufactured in all sizes, many kinds types and different classes. Moreover, a weld neck flange also has the ability to relocate stress to pipes, which means a weld neck flange can decrease high pressure at the bottom of it. Due to the specialty of strength and construction, weld neck flanges are suitable to elevate temperature and pressure when applied.

Sealing Face of Steel Flange

There are several different types of sealing face when it comes to weld neck flange. They are FF for flat face, RF for raised face, and RTJ for ring joint face.

If FF flange is applied, it demonstrates that the related gasket can have full contact with this flange.

RF (raised face) flange is always chosen to decrease the surface of the seal, which in turn can concentrate surface pressure.

RTJ (ring joint face) flange is more suitable to be used under high-pressure and high-temperature circumstances.

Specification of Steel Pipe Flange

Usually, ASME B16.5 weld neck flanges are classified into 7 classes. They are Class 150lb, Class 300lb, Class 400lb, Class 600lb, Class 900lb, Class 1500lb and Class 2500lb.


5K, 10K, 16K, 20K, 30K


PN6, PN10, PN16, PN25, PN40, PN64, PN100


2000PSI, 3000PSI, 5000PSI, 10000PSI, 15000PSI, 20000PSI




ANSI/ASME B16.5,B16.47 Series A&B etc


ANSI Flanges,ASME Flanges,etc


1/2″(DN 15)to 60″(DN 1500)


150#,300#,600#,900#,1500#,2500#,PN6,PN10,PN16,PN25,PN40,PN64 etc

Flange Face Type

Flat Face (FF),Raised Face (RF),Ring Type Joint (RTJ)

Dimension of ASME B16.5 Weld Neck Flange

Class 150 LBS Dimensions

NPS A B1 Holes T1 D X A G Weight
1/2″ 89 15.7 4 11.2 47.8 30.2 21.3 35.1 0.5
3/4″ 99 20.8 4 12.7 52.3 38.1 26.7 42.9 0.9
1″ 108 26.7 4 14.2 55.6 49.3 33.5 50.8 1.1
1-1/4″ 117 35.1 4 15.7 57.2 58.7 42.2 63.5 1.4
1-1/2″ 127 40.9 4 17.5 62 65 48.3 73.2 1.8
2″ 152 52.6 4 19.1 63.5 77.7 60.5 91.9 2.8
2-1/2″ 178 62.7 4 22.4 69.9 90.4 73.2 104.6 4.3
3″ 191 78 4 23.9 69.9 108 88.9 127 5.2
3-1/2″ 216 90.2 8 23.9 71.4 122.2 101.6 139.7 5.5
4″ 229 102.4 8 23.9 76.2 134.9 114.3 157.2 7.3
5″ 254 128.3 8 23.9 88.9 163.6 141.2 185.7 8.9
6″ 279 154.2 8 25.4 88.9 192 168.4 215.9 11.3
8″ 343 202.7 8 28.4 101.6 246.1 219.2 269.7 18.1
10″ 406 254.5 12 30.2 101.6 304.8 273.1 323.9 25.0
12?” 483 304.8 12 31.8 114.3 365.3 323.9 381 39.0
14″ 533 336.6 12 35.1 127 400.1 355.6 412.8 51.7
16″ 597 387.4 16 36.6 127 457.2 406.4 469.9 64.5
18″ 635 438.2 16 39.6 139.7 505 457.2 533.4 75.0
20″ 699 489.0 20 42.9 144.5 558.8 508 584.2 89.5
24″ 813 590.6 20 47.8 152.4 663.4 609.6 692.2 120

Class 300 LBS Dimensions

NPS A B1 Holes T1 D X A G Weight
1/2″ 95 15.7 4 14.2 52.3 38.1 21.3 35.1 0.8
3/4″ 117 20.8 4 15.7 57.2 47.8 26.7 42.9 1.4
1″ 124 26.7 4 17.5 62 53.8 33.5 50.8 1.6
1-1/4″ 133 35.1 4 19.1 65 63.5 42.2 63.5 2.1
1-1/2″ 155 40.9 4 20.6 68.3 69.9 48.3 73.2 3.1
2″ 165 52.6 8 22.1 69.9 84.1 60.5 91.9 3.5
2-1/2″ 191 62.7 8 25.4 76.2 100.1 73.2 104.6 5.3
3″ 210 78 8 28.4 79.2 117.3 88.9 127 7.3
3-1/2″ 229 90.2 8 30.2 81 133.4 101.6 139.7 8.2
4″ 254 102.4 8 31.8 85.9 146.1 114.3 157.2 11.3
5″ 279 128.3 8 35.1 98.6 177.8 141.2 185.7 15.1
6″ 318 154.2 12 36.6 98.6 206.2 168.4 215.9 20.0
8″ 381 202.7 12 41.1 1 260.4 219.2 269.7 30.5
10″ 445 254.5 16 47.8 117.3 320.5 273.1 323.9 4.8
12″ 521 303.2 16 50.8 130 374.7 323.9 381 64.5
14″ 584 333.3 20 53.8 142.7 425.5 355.6 412.8 88.3
16″ 648 381 20 57.2 146.1 482.6 406.4 469.9 115.0
18″ 711 428.7 24 60.5 158.8 533.4 457.2 533.4 143.0
20″ 775 477.8 24 63.5 162.1 587.2 508 584.2 175.0
24″ 914 575 24 69.9 168.1 701.5 609.6 692.2 260.0

Class 600 LBS Dimensions

NPS A B1 Holes T1 D X A G Weight
1/2″ 95 15.7 4 14.2 52.3 38.1 21.3 35.1 1.0
3/4″ 117 20.8 4 15.7 57.2 47.8 26.7 42.9 1.6
1″ 124 26.7 4 17.5 62 53.8 33.5 50.8 2.2
1-1/4″ 133 35.1 4 20.6 66.5 63.5 42.2 63.5 2.8
1-1/2″ 155 40.9 4 22.4 69.9 69.9 48.3 73.2 3.8
2″ 165 52.6 8 25.4 73.2 84.1 60.5 91.9 4.5
2-1/2″ 191 62.7 8 28.4 79.2 100.1 73.2 104.6 8.2
3″ 210 78 8 31.8 82.6 117.3 88.9 127 8.8
3-1/2″ 229 90.2 8 35.1 85.9 133.4 101.6 139.7 12.0
4″ 273 102.4 8 38.1 101.6 152.4 114.3 157.2 17.0
5″ 330 128.3 8 44.5 114.3 189 141.2 185.7 31.0
6″ 356 154.2 12 47.8 117.3 222.3 168.4 215.9 37.0
8″ 419 202.7 12 55.6 133.4 273.1 219.2 269.7 55.0
10″ 508 254.5 16 63.5 152.4 342.9 273.1 323.9 90.0
12″ 559 303.2 20 66.5 155.4 400.1 323.9 381 110.0
14″ 603 333.3 20 69.9 165.1 431.8 355.6 412.8 127.0
16″ 686 381 20 76.2 177.8 495.3 406.4 469.9 177.1
18″ 743 428.4 20 82.6 184.2 546.1 457.2 533.4 215.65
20″ 813 477.8 24 88.9 190.5 609.6 508 584.2 267.9
24″ 940 575 24 101.6 203.2 717.6 609.6 692.2 372.0

Class 900 LBS Dimensions

NPS A B1 Holes T1 D X A G Weight
1/2″ 121 15.7 4 22.4 60.5 38.1 21.3 34.9 1.9
3/4″ 130 20.8 4 25.4 69.9 44.5 26.7 42.9 2.6
1″ 149 26.7 4 28.4 73.2 52.3 33.5 50.8 3.8
1-1/4″ 159 35.1 4 28.4 73.2 63.5 42.2 63.5 4.3
1-1/2″ 178 40.9 4 31.8 82.6 69.9 48.3 73 6.0
2″ 216 52.6 8 38.1 101.6 104.6 60.5 92.1 10.8
2-1/2″ 244 62.7 8 41.1 104.6 124 73.2 104.8 15.0
3″ 241 78 8 38.1 101.6 127 88.9 127 13.7
4″ 292 102.4 8 44.5 114.3 158.8 114.3 157.2 22.5
5″ 349 128.3 8 50.8 127 190.5 141.2 185.7 37.4
6″ 381 154.2 12 55.6 139.7 235 168.4 215.9 47.7
8″ 470 202.7 12 63.5 162.1 298.5 219.2 269.9 81.3
10″ 546 254.5 16 69.9 184.2 368.3 273.1 323.8 119.0
12″ 610 304.8 20 79.2 200.2 419.1 323.9 381 157.0
14″ 641 336.6 20 85.9 212.9 450.9 355.6 412.8 180.0
16″ 705 387.1 20 88.9 215.9 508 406.4 469.9 217.0
18″ 787 438.2 20 101.6 228.6 565.2 457.2 533.4 292.0
20″ 857 489 20 108 247.7 622.3 508 584.2 362.0
24″ 1041 590.6 20 139.7 292.1 749.3 609.6 692.2 665.0

Class 1500 LBS Dimensions

NPS A B1 Holes T1 D X A G Weight
1/2″ 121 15.7 4 22.4 60.5 38.1 21.3 34.9 1.9
3/4″ 130 20.8 4 25.4 69.9 44.5 26.7 42.9 2.6
1″ 149 26.7 4 28.4 73.2 52.3 33.5 50.8 3.8
1-1/4″ 159 35.1 4 28.4 73.2 63.5 42.2 63.5 4.3
1-1/2″ 178 40.9 4 31.3 82.6 69.9 48.3 73 6.0
2″ 216 52.6 8 38.1 101.6 104.6 60.5 92.1 10.8
2-1/2″ 244 62.7 8 41.1 104.6 124 73.2 104.3 150.0
3″ 267 78 8 47.3 117.3 133.4 88.9 127 20.0
4″ 311 102.4 8 53.8 124 162.1 114.3 157.2 30.0
5″ 375 128.3 8 73.2 155.4 196.9 141.2 185.7 55.5
6″ 394 154.2 12 82.6 171.5 228.6 168.4 215.9 68.5
8″ 483 202.7 12 91.9 212.9 292.1 219.2 269.9 117.0
10″ 584 254.5 12 108 254 368.3 273.1 323.8 194.0
12″ 673 304.8 16 124 282.4 450.9 323.9 381 288.0
14″ 749 336.6 16 133.4 298.5 495.3 355.6 412.8 380.0
16″ 826 387.1 16 146.1 311.2 552.5 406.4 469.9 485.0
18″ 914 438.2 16 162.1 327.2 596.9 457.2 533.4 644.0
20″ 984 489 16 177.8 355.6 641.4 508 584.2 775.0
24″ 1168 590.6 16 203.2 406.4 762 609.6 692.2 1232.0

Class 2500 LBS Dimensions

NPS A B1 Holes T1 D X A G Weight
1/2″ 121 15.7 4 22.4 60.5 38.1 21.3 34.9 3.1
3/4″ 130 20.8 4 25.4 69.9 44.5 26.7 42.9 3.7
1″ 149 26.7 4 28.4 73.2 52.3 33.5 50.8 5.3
1-1/4″ 159 35.1 4 28.4 73.2 63.5 42.2 63.5 7.8
1-1/2″ 178 40.9 4 31.3 82.6 69.9 48.3 73 10.9
2″ 216 52.6 8 38.1 101.6 104.6 60.5 92.1 16.2
2-1/2″ 244 62.7 8 41.1 104.6 124 73.2 104.3 23.7
3″ 267 78 8 47.3 117.3 133.4 88.9 127 36.2
4″ 311 102.4 8 53.8 124 162.1 114.3 157.2 55.3
5″ 375 128.3 8 73.2 155.4 196.9 141.2 185.7 92.5
6″ 394 154.2 12 82.6 171.5 228.6 168.4 215.9 143.0
8″ 483 202.7 12 91.9 212.9 292.1 219.2 269.9 215.0
10″ 584 254.5 12 108 254 368.3 273.1 323.8 406.0
12″ 673 304.8 16 124 282.4 450.9 323.9 381 572.0

Weight List

DN NPS 150# 300# 600# 900# 1500# 2500#
15 1/2 0.5 0.8 1 2 2 3.5
20 3/4 0.7 1 1.5 2.5 2.5 4
25 1 1 1.5 2 4 4 5.5
32 11/4 1.5 2 2.5 4.5 4.5 8
40 11/2 2 3 3.5 6.5 6.5 12
50 2 2.5 3 4.5 11 11 17
65 21/2 4 5 6.5 14 15 24
80 3 5 7 8 15 20 38
100 4 7 12 17 23 30 57
125 5 9 16 29 37 58 96
150 6 11 20 34 48 70 150
200 8 18 30 52 80 120 224
250 10 24 44 86 121 208 437
300 12 38 63 102 161 313 623
350 14 50 88 121 187 414
400 16 61 110 168 235 528
450 18 70 133 203 319 675
500 20 87 162 253 389 861
600 24 118 235 355 721 1377


Regarding material of weld neck flange, we manufacture them from carbon steel, stainless steel to alloy steel and with specified description, higher grade of materials can be produced as well.

Carbon steel: ASTM A105
Low temperature steel: A350 LF2/3
Pipeline steel: A694 F42/46/52/56/60/65/70
Alloy steel: A182 F5/9/11/12/22/91/92
Stainless Steel: A182 F304/316/317/310S/321/347/904L

Chemical Composition

Grade LIMITS C Mn P S Si Cu Ni Cr Mo V
ASTM A105 MIN 0.60 0.10
MAX 0.35 1.05 0.035 0.040 0.35 0.40 0.40 0.30 0.12 0.08


Grade LIMITS C Mn P S Si Ni Cr Mo N
ASTM A182 F316 MIN 10.00 16.00 2.00
MAX 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 14.00 18.00 3.00 0.01
ASTM A182 F316L MIN 10.00 16.00 2.00
MAX 0.03 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 15.00 18.00 3.00 0.01

Mechanical Properties

ASTM A105 485 min 250 min 22 min 30 min 197 max


T.S (MPA) 515 min 485 min
Y.S (MPA) 205 min 170 min
EL % 30 min 30 min
R/A % 50 min 50 min

What is the Production Standard

Weld neck flanges are commonly manufactured under the standard of ASME B16.5. ASME stands for American Society of Mechanical Engineering. Also, the standard is recommended when flange bolting, flange gasket and flange joint are involved.

  • ASME B16.5
  • ASME B16.47A
  • ASME B16.47B
  • JIS B2220
  • KS B1503
  • DIN 2573
  • DIN 2527
  • DIN 2631
  • BS 4504
  • API 6A

Advantage of Weld Neck Flange

As one of the most frequently applied flange, weld neck flanges own plenty of benefits.

Firstly, weld neck flange installation is very simple.

Secondly, it provides superior strength based on its weld neck, which allows high-pressure and high-temperature.

Thirdly, weld neck flange has little chance to leak and fail so that reduce cost of maintenance.

Fourthly, weld neck flange allows stress transition from high to low or low to high. This fluent connection prevents cracks and failures.

Last but not least, the design of weld neck demonstrates that they are strong and reliable for weld neck makes it possible to increase the pipe thickness.

How to install Weld Neck Flange

When applying weld neck flange, there is several points to consider. First, the center of the weld neck flange should keep in line with the related pipe. Second, sealing surface of the flange should be perpendicular. Last but not least, holes on the flange should match those on the pipeline.

Inspection of Weld Neck Flange

we can inspect flange’s sizes of the outside diameter, inside diameter and thickness. Pressure rating is able to be test. For some chemical components, weld neck flanges can be analyse by the third party.

Package of Forged Steel Flange

Normally, weld neck flanges are packed by carton and wooden box when the size is below 2″ and wooden box will be selected when above 2″. 8 “and above are packaged on pallets. Customized package is also allowed.

Application of Weld Neck Flange

Chemical Process Transportation

Water Supply System

Drainage System

Sewage Treatment System

Fresh Water System

Fire Protection System

Automotive Piping

Air Conditioning System

Food Processing

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